IFAN and MENAS discuss Navigational Safety at IALA’s 20th Conference

IFAN and MENAS discuss Navigational Safety at IALA’s 20th Conference

The International Foundation for Aids to Navigation (IFAN), alongside its subsidiary the Middle East Navigational Aids Service (MENAS), were delighted to attend the 20th conference of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation (IALA) in Brazil.

Francesca Pradelli, IFAN’s Development Manager, took the stage at the World-Wide Academy’s pre-conference event to highlight IFAN’s work and the progress made on the Pacific Safety of Navigation Project, which is aimed at improving navigation in the Pacific region and has been a key focus for IFAN in recent years.

MENAS General Manager Mahdi Al Mosawi spoke about the core challenges associated with digitalisation and how Aids to Navigation (AtoN) technicians navigate these challenges in a digital world. He said: “Digitalisation is transforming the maritime sector, bringing unparalleled benefits in terms of navigation accuracy and operational efficiency and low cost. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that electronic systems are not infallible. In the event of an electronic failure or malfunction, human intervention and expertise is essential to ensure the safety of vessels, crew, and cargo.”

IFAN and MENAS’ strong presence and notable contributions to the event reinforce the organisation’s position as a global leader in promoting safety and efficiency in maritime navigation. As the sector continues to evolve rapidly, IFAN remains at the forefront and continues to foster collaboration to ensure the safety of seafarers and the protection of marine life remain paramount.